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International Life Science Industry Summit Held on CUHK (SZ)

  • 2014.11.05
  • News
International Life Science Industry Summit Held on CUHK (SZ)

International Life Science Summit Forum was held on campus on 5 November, 2014.More than 150 experts and representatives are invited to the event. Among the distinguished guests there are Nobel Laureate in physiology or medicine, Prof. Craig Mello, University of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester), Dr. Guangping Gao, Director of Gene Therapy Center University of Massachusetts Medical School, Professor Guotong Xu, Dean of Tongji university school of medicine, Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, Dean of Faculty of Medicine of CUHK, Prof. Yangsheng Xu, President of CUHK(SZ) and many scholars from the field of biomedicine. Special guests also included Government officials of Health and Family Planning Commission of Shenzhen Municipality and Longgang District Government, professors and doctors of the city’s health care system. Business representatives of the healthcare industry, along with teachers and students from Shenzhen University School of Medicine and CUHK (SZ), also attended the forum. On the forum, Prof. Craig Mello, along with Prof. Guangping Gao and Prof. Guotong Xu, gave a speech on the most advanced gene technology and trend and latest research results of translational medicine. They also explained how to solve life mystery by RNA technology, the theory and practice of translational medicine. After the speech, Dean Chan Wai-Yee hold a roundtable on application and industrial transformation of life science.

(Translated by Juanyi Chen