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More than 900 Mainland Students Admitted to CUHK (SZ)

  • 2017.09.02
  • News
CUHK(SZ)’s 2017 admissions have concluded and 951 students from 25 provinces and 14 ethnic groups will meet in September at the University.

CUHK(SZ)’s 2017 admissions have concluded and 951 students from 25 provinces and 14 ethnic groups will meet in September at the University.

The quality and number of students this year remain high. The average score for science students and arts students is 124 and 81 points over local admission scores for key universities, respectively. The average score on English reaches 135 points.

In Guangdong province, the University has been continuously ranked one grabbing highest graders for two years. The minimum score for arts students admitted is 597 points, among the top 0.3% out of 310,000 students in the province; the minimum score for science students is 604 points, ranking 1% out of 350,000 local students.

The University is also able to take in high achievers from other provinces, Science and arts students from most provinces ranked 2% and 1% of all candidates, respectively.

Warming-up Session for English Interview

Comprehensive Assessment Approach Takes Credit

Shanghai adopts a comprehensive assessment approach for the first time after Guangdong and Zhejiang province. Three thousand and four hundred (3,400) students from the three locations have taken part in the scheme. Another salient feature is that most students are from key middle schools.

More Scholarships Dished Out

Two hundred and fourteen students (214) have received various forms of scholarships and grants, taking up 23% of all enrolled students. These include a full scholarship of RMB120,000, a tuition waiver of RMB95,000 and a half-tuition waiver of RMB47,500, providing students from financially constrained families with a chance to receive international education.

In addition, a new scholarship (RMB30,000), Bowen Scholarship, has been set up. Seventy-seven (77) outstanding students have received the scholarship based on their interviews intended to assess their overall credentials, entrepreneurship and global outlook.


Parental Volunteers

In terms of international admissions, one hundred fifty seven (157) applications have been received from US, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Korea, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Ukraine, and Pakistan, and fifty (50) international students are expected to pursue their study at the University this year.

Admission notices and letters of congratulations prepared by President Yangsheng Xu will be delivered to all successful applicants by the end of July. Mainland and international students will enroll at the University on August 30-31 and attend the inauguration ceremony on September 3.