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Tackling Transboundary Air Pollution in East Asia: The Story of EANET

  • 2016.03.08
  • Event
Tackling Transboundary Air Pollution in East Asia: The Story of EANET

Topic:   Tackling Transboundary Air Pollution in East Asia: The Story of EANET



Speaker:   Professor Jianzhen Yu

               Department of Chemistry & Division of Environment, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology



HostDr. Xiaoyu Li [ HSS, CUHK(SZ) ]


Venue Rm 103, Chengdao Building


Time & Date19:00-21:00, March 8, Tuesday


Language:  Putonghua


Abstract:  Air pollution knows no administrative boundaries. Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET), an intergovernmental regional network with thirteen participating countries, was established in January 2001 to tackle acid rain problems in the region. Eight years’ intensive efforts led by Japan preceded the launching of EANET. Despite the vastly differing social, economic, political, and geographic conditions of each participating country, the EANET has achieved considerable success in monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating data from a network of monitoring sites since 2001. It has also served as an effective platform for capacity building and information exchange. The EANET has gained international recognition for its success in promoting regional cooperation for a cleaner atmospheric environment in East Asia. In this talk the story of the EANET will be examined to shed light on how environmental scientific knowledge works its way into intergovernmental cooperation for sustainable development.

