— 活动 —

Imprinting and Chinese management

  • 2018.10.18
  • 活动
Speaker: Prof. Christopher Marquis (Cornell University)


Imprinting and Chinese management



  10:30-12:00, 2018/10/25 (Thursday)


  Room E205 Administration Building


  Prof. Christopher Marquis (Cornell University)


The imprinting hypothesis argues that entities are persistently influenced by prominent features of their environment during susceptible periods in the past when they are more open to experience and that the imprint from these influential events enduringly affects the entity in later periods.  In this talk I will discuss three recent papers that have examined the imprinting hypothesis in the Chinese context. Two papers concern how ideology of pre-1978 China have enduringly shaped the Chinese economy. One paper examines how entrepreneurs ideology affects the internationalization of their firms and then how the subsequent actions of the imprinting entity – the Chinese Communist party can affect the imprint.  A second paper examines politicians ideology and how that affects firms in their jurisdictions political connections, and further how the ideological effect may vary depending on intensity of experience and contextual factors.  The final paper returns to the context of entrepreneurs and examines how entrepreneurs early exposure to resource scarcity affects types of resource allocation and ultimately firm performance. Contributions to imprinting and Chinese management will be discussed.