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研究成果 | 2020年一季度:经管学院与深高金12篇论文发表或期刊收录

  • 2020.04.13
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他们分别是Marlene Amstad、舒涛、王丛、张博辉、申睿、张劲帆、包卓兰、牛超、Manuele Reani、宋阳波、谢慧华、张强。

教授、深圳高等金融研究院金融科技与社会金融研究中心联席主任  Marlene Amstad

Marlene Amstad, Frank Packer and Jimmy Shek (2020).“Does sovereign risk in local and foreign currency differ?”,Journal of International Money and Finance,Volume 101, 102099.

教授、深圳高等金融研究院香港深圳联合金融研究中心主任 舒涛

Tao Shu, Jie (Jack) He, Tingting Liu, and Jeffry Netter (2020).“Expectation Management in Mergers and Acquisitions”,Management Science, Vol 66 (3), pp. 1005-1507.

校长讲座教授、深圳高等金融研究院副院长 王丛

Ronald Masulis, Cong Wang, and Fei Xie (2020).“Employee-Manager Alliances and Shareholder Returns from Acquisitions”,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 55, Issue, pp. 473-516.

校长讲座教授、执行副院长 张博辉

副教授 申睿

Bohui Zhang, Rui Shen and Lili Dai (2020).“Does the media spotlight burn or spur innovation?”,Review of Accounting Studies.

副教授 张劲帆

Zhuoqun Hao, Yu Liu, Jinfan Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhao (2020).“Political Connection, Corporate Philanthropy and Efficiency: Evidence from China's Anti-Corruption Campaign”, Journal of Comparative Economics.

助理教授 包卓兰

Zhuolan Bao, Wenwen Li, Pengzhen Yin, Michael Chau (2020).“Examining the Impact of Review Tag Function on Product Evaluation and Information Perception of Popular Products”,Information Systems and e-Business Management.

Michael Chau, Wenwen Li, Boye Yang, Alice J. Lee, Zhuolan Bao (2020).“Incorporating the Time Order Effect of Feedbacks in Online Auction Markets through a Bayesian Updating Model”,MIS Quarterly.

助理教授 牛超

Pengxiang Zhang, Chao Niu, Sali Li, Scott Turner (2020).“Digital Product Innovation in Emerging Economies: Examining the Roles of Institutional Change Speed and Diversification Strategies”,Academy of International Business.

助理教授 Manuele Reani

Zhida Sun, Manuele Reani, Quan Li, Xiajuan Ma (2020).“Fostering Engagement in Technology-Mediated Stress Management: A Comparative Study of Biofeedback Designs”,International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

助理教授 宋阳波

Yangbo Song and Mihaela van der Schaar (2020).“Dynamic Network Formation with Foresighted Agents”,International Journal of Game Theory.

助理教授 谢慧华

Huihua Xie with Han Li, Jiangyi Li, and Yi Lu (2020).“Housing Wealth and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design”,Journal of Public Economics, 183 (2020): 104-139.

助理教授 张强

Qiang Zhang, Wenbo Wang and Yuxin Chen (2020).“In-Consumption Social Listening with Moment-to-moment Unstructured Data: The Case of Movie Appreciation and Live Comments”,Marketing Science.