Challenges and possibilities for the linguistic analysis of counseling talk
Speaker: Prof. Dennis Tay
Dennis Tay is associate professor in the Department of English and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, with previous appointments in Singapore and New Zealand. He is interested in cognitive linguistics, metaphor theory, mental healthcare communication, and the statistical modeling of discourse. He is academic editor of PLOS One and review editor of Cognitive Linguistic Studies. His monographs include Metaphor in Psychotherapy. A Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis (John Benjamins), and more recently, Time Series Analysis of Discourse. Method and Case Studies (Routledge). Both explore the interactions between discourse analysis and other social sciences such as psychology andeconometrics.
Time: 10:30-12:30, Tuesday, April 23th 2019
Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Dao Yuan Building