AI Modeling: From Speech/Language to Financial Markets
Topic: AI Modeling: From Speech/Language to Financial Markets
Speaker: Prof. Deng Li
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Time: 4:15pm-5:30pm
Venue: Governing Board Meeting Room, Dao Yuan Building
As an important branch of artificial intelligence, what major role speech and language processing technology could play in the field of financial investment, and, what profound changes could it initiate in financial industry? This lecture given by Prof. Deng Li focuses on the following aspects: since 2009, the ways in which deep learning technology has subverted the speech and language processing industry, the relationship between speech/language model and financial market, and three unique technical challenges in financial investment, so as to present a panoramic view of the integration of AI and finance.
Speaker Profile:
An expert in artificial intelligence speech and natural language, Prof. Deng Li is Academician of of the Canadian National Academy of Engineering. He is the former Chief Scientist of Microsoft Artificial Intelligence.