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Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form ( download ) together with copies of qualification documents, a publication list and/or selected abstracts, recent teaching-related information such as teaching evaluations. At least three reference letters should be sent by individual referees directly to email address indicated in each job posting with the email subject as “Reference – Job title – Full name of applicant”.
The successful applicant will be employed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen on behalf of the project holder.

Job Vacancies
RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhang Dapeng Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/112/01)

Laboratory Introduction

The director of the laboratory, Prof. David Zhang, graduated in Computer Science from Peking University. He received his MSc in 1982 and his PhD in 1985 in both Computer Science from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), respectively. From 1986 to 1988 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Tsinghua University and then an Associate Professor at the Academia Sinica, Beijing. In 1994 he received his second PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He has been a Chair Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he is the Founding Director of Biometrics Research Centre (UGC/CRC) supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government since 2005. Currently he is Presidential Chair Professor in Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).

The laboratory aims for doing top researches in the world and cultivating talents in palmprint recognition, computerized TCM and facial beauty analysis. We invite excellent researchers from the world to work with us.

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Doing relevant researches for the laboratory;

2. Help guide the Ph.D. students.

Qualifications and Requirements:

1. Obtained Ph.D. from the top universities in last 3 years;

2. Published at least papers at the international top journals;

3. Have excellent research ability and can help guide the Ph.D. students.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be comparable to international standards, commensurate with experience and accomplishments. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-Shenzhen, and employee benefits will be provided according to the relevant labor laws of Mainland China as well as CUHK-Shenzhen regulations.

Application Procedure

Please prepare for CV in English, and two referees’ contact information, and send to

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - LamTin Lun Project,School of Science and Engineering (Ref. PR2020/104/01)

Project Description

1. Robotics: Multi-robot systems, self-reconfigurable robots, soft robotics, etc.

2. AI: Swarm intelligence, distributed computing, multi-agent cooperation, environment perception and prediction, navigation and manipulation, etc.

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Complete research on related topics and publish high-quality academic papers;

2. Manage or assist the research team in accomplishing research projects;

3. Manage or assist in the declaration of funding projects.

Qualifications and Requirements:

1. Robotics, Computer Science, Automation, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and other related professional qualifications;

2. Strong academic and research background;

3. Work actively, with a strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit;

4. Excellent language expression, and communication skills;

5. Proficiency in English, including listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Lam:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/ Post Doc Fellow - Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing (Ref. PR2020/091/01)



1. 独立开展学术研究,申请并完成科研项目,发表高水平学术论文;

2. 承担上级指派的其他任务。


1. 研究领域为机器人感知、认知、运动;

2. 至少具备以下一项领域的相关研发经验:控制理论与控制工程,导航、制导与控制,模式识别与智能系统,检测技术与自动化装置,系统工程,物理电子学,电路与系统,通信与信息系统,信号与信息处理,固体力学,流体力学,工程力学,材料力学与设计,生物工程力学,微系统力学等;

3. 具备优秀的团队领导能力,成功创建过科研团队或开发团队,能够独立开展学术研究、申请课题;

4. 具有机器人、智能制造相关研究经验优先;

5. 英文熟练读写,基本听说能力。






Post Doc Fellow - Chiang Ying-Chih Project, School of Life and Health Sciences (Ref. PR2020/103/01)







博士后岗位二:为平衡自由能的计算开发非平衡力学的新理论。申请人应该熟悉统计机制和编程语言,例如C / C ++和Python。需要具有理论物理学或理论化学研究的经验。














RA/Post Doc Fellow - BAEG Gyeong Hun Project, School of Life and Health Sciences (Ref. PR2020/090/01)

Laboratory Introduction

Our research mainly uses the fruit fly Drosophila genetics to study the signal transduction pathways, in particular JAK/STAT and redox signaling in stem cell behavior and cancer regulation, and to understand the molecular mechanisms by which nanomaterials induce cyto/genotoxicity. Genetic, genomic, molecular and cell biological techniques/approaches are combined to achieve a systems-level understanding of these complex processes.

Job Description

Two positions of postdoctoral fellow are available to characterize the downstream effectors of the JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway or reactive oxygen species that may control germline stem cell behavior and tumor formation in both Drosophila and mammals. The laboratory seeks highly-motivated and willing-to-learn individuals who wish to develop their careers in a friendly and collaborative research team within a stimulating scientific environment. The ideal candidate would have a PhD degree in a relevant research area, including genetics, molecular biology, biomedical engineering, and biochemistry, preferably in the context of Drosophila genetics. The candidate should be highly proficient in English. Preference will also be given to those who have prior experience of Drosophila genetics.

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Scholarly activities; conducting an independent research and publishing research outcomes;

2. Handle other miscellaneous tasks as assigned by the supervisor;

Qualifications and Requirements:

1. A PhD degree holder in Biomedical Science;

2. Prior experience with model organisms (yeast, worm, fly, or mouse);

3. Proficiency in English.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Chen Yongquan Project of IRIM (Ref. PR2020/089/01)







1. 至少具备以下一项领域的相关研发经验:无人驾驶,机器视觉,智能机器人,智能网联,人工智能;

2. 具有博士学位,以第一作者身份在相关领域发表过高水平论文(JCR二区以上);

3. 有较强的英语阅读和中英文写作能力,能用英语流利的交流,能独立完成英文论文写作;

4. 优秀的团队领导能力,能够独立开展学术研究、申请课题;

5. 具有扎实的专业基础知识与丰富的实验经验。

6. 工作认真,勤奋踏实,责任心强,逻辑思维较强,做事有条理,执行力强,有良好的沟通、表达能力。






RA/ Post Doc Fellow - Chang Tsung-Hui Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/022/01)


课题组导师张纵辉教授目前任职于香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院担任副教授。张教授的研究兴趣主要于通信系统、机器学习与大数据分析中的关键信号处理与优化方法。他已在国际学术刊物及会议发表论文110 多篇,其中包括主流学术刊物论文50篇。张教授在2014年获得台湾科技大学年轻学者研究奖,张教授担任多个信号处理领域顶尖期刊的编委(Associate Editor)。项目组拥有博士后1名,博士生8名及硕士生1名。





1. 独立开展学术研究,申请课题经费;

2. 协助指导组内学生科研工作。


1. 具备良好的相关研究工作基础和相关研究背景,发表过较好的学术论文(SCI二区至少一篇);

2. 熟练的英文听说读写能力;

3. 有撰写基金申请书并获批者优先。






RA/ Post Doc Fellow - Wang Pan Project of School of Life and Health Sciences (Ref.PR2020/001/01)













1. 在课题组负责人的指导下进行学术研究;

2. 申请相关博士后基金项目;

3. 协助指导实验室学生的研究课题;

4. 协助组织并参与学术活动,包括讲座或学术会议;

5. 承担课题负责人指派的其他任务。


1. 博士学位,品学兼优,身心健康,具备较高的学术水平和较强的科研能力;

2. 首次进站人员年龄一般在32岁以下,获得博士学位一般不超过三年;

3. 科研博士后原则上不接受在职人员的申请;

4. 在本校获得博士学位的毕业生,不得申请进入校内相同一级学科的流动站。

我们鼓励在生物医学和生命科学相关领域具有专业知识的申请人申请, 特别是蛋白质计算建模、细胞生物学、分子生物学、生物化学、癌症生物学、药理学和实验病理学。要求具有勤奋,认真,负责的工作态度以及良好的沟通能力和英文交流写作水平。






RA/Post Doc Fellow - Robotics and Artificial Intellgence Laboratory (Ref.PR2020/045/01)


香港中文大学(深圳)机器人与人工智能实验室座落于大湾区的科创核心引擎深圳并由国际知名机器人与人工智能专家徐扬生院士带领。继承了香港中文大学现代机器人实验室源自1997年的科研积累,在机器人、人工智能、智能汽车、机器视觉、人机界面等方面的具有长期研究基础。其中研发成果包括单轮机器人、爬树机器人、全方位转向汽车等多个国际知名机器人。当中科研成果获得多个国际知名媒体报导,如Reuters, Discovery Channel, Forbes, Wired, IEEE Spectrum等。实验室亦拥有众多先进实验设备,如水面无人船,无人驾驶验证车,四足机器人,人形机器人NAO及Baxter,UR5e机械臂,KINOVA七轴机械臂,红外三维运动捕捉系统,微重力系统等,以及其他各种实验平台。实验室不断拓展创新研究以及与业界的合作,成立了机器人与智能制造国家地方联合工程实验室、香港中文大学(深圳)机器人与智能制造研究院。我们非常欢迎各位科研精英加入我们的团队。







1. 相对独立地完成相关方向的课题研究,发表高水平学术论文;

2. 协助指导低年级研究生的训练与培养;

3. 协助申报各类基金项目。


1. 计算机、自动化、机械、电子等相关专业学历;

2. 工作积极主动,具备很强的责任心、团队合作精神、良好的语言表达及沟通交流能力;

3. 具有相关科研项目工作经验者优先。






RA/ Post Doc Fellow - Lai Wing-Fu Project of LHS (Ref.PR2020/009/01)

Laboratory Introduction

The laboratory primarily uses both chemistry and engineering techniques to develop different sorts of materials systems for drug delivery and sustained drug release. Meanwhile, it applies a multidisciplinary approach combining genetics, cell biology, and molecular biology to understand the biology of ageing and age-related disease and to identify targets for anti-aging medicine. The overarching goal is to apply our developed systems to intervene in the identified targets for retardation of aging, tissue regeneration, and life span extension.

Job Description

The laboratory has a postdoctoral position available to identify targets for aging retardation and life span extension, and to develop interventions to combat aging and age-associated diseases. It seeks a highly motivated, ambitious, and talented scientist to join our enthusiastic and collaborative team in an outstanding scientific environment. Both basic research and translational studies are envisioned under this post-doctoral appointment. The ideal candidate would have a Ph.D. in a relevant research area such as molecular biology, biomedical engineering, genetics, and biochemistry, preferably in the context of aging research. Technical skills in cell micro-manipulation are preferred, and prior experience with model organisms (yeast, worm, fly, mouse) would be an asset. The candidate should be highly proficient in both English and Mandarin Chinese. Preference will also be given to those who have working language in Cantonese.

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities

1. Perform research and collect data for publication;

2. Help supervise junior research assistants and students in the laboratory;

3. Handle other tasks as assigned by the supervisor.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. A Ph.D. in a relevant research area;

2. Prior experience with model organisms (yeast, worm, fly, mouse);

3. Proficiency in both English and Mandarin Chinese.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be comparable to international standards, commensurate with experience and accomplishments. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-Shenzhen, and employee benefits will be provided according to the relevant labor laws of Mainland China as well as CUHK-Shenzhen regulations.

Application Procedure

Please prepare for CV in English, a full publication list (separating co-authored papers from those first-authored and corresponding-authored papers), and three referees’ contact information, and send to

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/ Post Doc Fellow - Lin Zhicheng Project of HSS (Ref.PR2020/006/01)

Laboratory Introduction

Two postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Prof. Zhicheng Lin at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). Our lab studies cognitive and neural processes underlying human behaviors, with primary efforts aiming toward two domains:

1) Cognition: What are the basic characteristics of cognition (e.g., attention, consciousness, rewards) and how does it drive behaviors? How does cognition change across lifespan and how it manifests in different (including clinical) populations? What is the neural basis of cognition? 

2) Science and policy: How to achieve personal improvements and establish better social policy based on scientific evidence? How might we better disseminate such knowledge? How to go from knowledge to actions?

The lab encourages and fosters academic excellence, social responsibilities, and entrepreneurial spirits. Collaboration with other labs in China, United States and Europe is available and encouraged.                  

Project Description

You should apply if any of the above topics in the lab interests you, or if you have a strong idea of your own that might interest me.

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities

Conduct research from the beginning to the end and fulfil other research and lab related tasks.

Qualifications and Requirements

A Ph.D. degree in psychology or a relevant discipline.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience, with at least RMB 300K per year post tax from City and District governments. Applicants may also apply for the Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship from CUHK-SZ, which allows the appointee to spend half time at an overseas university. Other benefits—such as housing and talent plans—are available for eligible applicants.

Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Lin:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Yang Shenghao Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/044/01)







1. 独立开展学术研究;

2. 协助指导组内学生科研工作。


1. 国内外知名大学相关专业博士学位;

2. 有任何一项以下相关科研经验:通信与信息理论;密码学、网络安全;网络经济学;网络理论、互联网及应用;无线通信和网络;

3. 欢迎有计算机科学,应用数学,密码学等研究背景的学者申请;

4. 有国家或省市重点项目参与经验者优先。






RA/Post Doc Fellow - Fu Zhanghua Project of IRIM (Ref.PR2020/031/01)

Project Description

Robot, Computer, Machine Learning, Operations Research, etc.

Key duties and Responsibilities

In-depth research on operational optimization problems in the fields of autonomous driving/Internet of vehicles/intelligent transportation/multi-robot collaborative scheduling, etc.; publish high-level academic papers

Qualifications and Requirements

Doctor's degree, published high-level papers in related fields (JCR zone 1) as the first author

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Dr. Zhang:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Andre Milzarek Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/085/01)

Project Description


Key duties and Responsibilities

Conduct research on structured and stochastic optimization problems; analysis and development of optimization methods; preparation of academic publications

Qualifications and Requirements

Ph.D. in Operations Research or related fields. Applicants should have experience in one of the following fields: Stochastic Optimization, Large-Scale Optimization (e.g. for Big Data & Data Science, Machine or Reinforcement Learning), Methodologies for Structured Optimization Problems (Nonsmooth Problems, Variational Inequalities).

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. MILZAREK:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Chen Xinyun Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/084/01)

Project Description

Network Analytics      

Key duties and Responsibilities

Conduct research in data analysis and numerical computation methods for financial networks, prepare academic publications.

Qualifications and Requirements

Ph.D in Operations Research, Statistics, Computer Science, Economics and related fields.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Chen:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Cai Zhuoxuan Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/083/01)

Project Description

Probability and Stochastic Processes

Key duties and Responsibilities

Ph.D. degree from a reowned University, preferrably with prior research experience on Markov chains

Qualifications and Requirements

Collaborations on common fields of interest, assist with research on Markov chains theory.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Cai:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow -Wang Zizhuo Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/081/01)

A. Project Description

Operations Management, Revenue Management

Key duties and Responsibilities

Conduct research in OM, especially in Revenue Management

Qualifications and Requirements

PhD in operations research, operations management, and related fields.


B. Project Description

Stochastic or Robust Optimization

Key duties and Responsibilities

Work on stochastic and robust optimization problems, especially distributionally robust optimization

Qualifications and Requirements

PhD in operations research and related field.


Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Cherry:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zha Hongyuan Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/080/01)

Project Description

Machine Learning

Key duties and Responsibilities

Methodology and algorithmic development

Qualifications and Requirements

Ph.D. in CS/IE/Statistics with research experiences in machine learning

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Cherry:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhang Shuzhong Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/079/01)

Project Description

Optimization, Operations Research

Key duties and Responsibilities

Ph.D. from a respectable institute

Qualifications and Requirements

Research Associate/Teaching Assistant

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhang:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhang Yin Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/078/01)

Project Description

Optimization algorithms and applications in Data Science, Machine Learning and AI

Key duties and Responsibilities

developing and analyzing optimization algorithms, prepare academic publications and produce research software

Qualifications and Requirements

PhD in a Science or Engineering field from a reputable program with strong computational and mathematical skills

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Cherry:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Dai Jim Project of iDDA (Ref.PR2020/077/01)

A. Project Description

Reinforcement learning (RI)

Key duties and Responsibilities

Conduct research in RL for queueing networks, prepare academic publications

Qualifications and Requirements

 PhD in operations research, statistics, applied mathematics or related field


B. Project Description

Healthcare delivering

Key duties and Responsibilities

Work with hospitals,  acquire and  analyze data, build models, prepare academic publications

Qualifications and Requirements

PhD in operations research and related field.


Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Cherry:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhu Lizhe Project of LHS (Ref.PR2020/076/01)

Project Description

computational Biology or Chemistry

Key duties and Responsibilities


Qualifications and Requirements

The candidates must hold Ph.D. in computational chemistry, computational biology or related fields, be aged ≤35 and experienced in one or more of the following areas:
1. Molecular Dynamics simulations (GROMACS, NAMD, AMBER or CHARMM)
2. Development of enhanced sampling techniques (programming in Python, C/C++)
3. Conformational changes of proteins and nucleic acids
4. Molecular docking (protein-ligand, protein-protein, protein-RNA)
5. Computer-aided drug design
Experience with MOLARIS-XG will be a plus.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhu:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Cheng Guijuan Project of LHS (Ref.PR2020/075/01)

Project Description

Computational Chemistry, Computational Biology, Physical Chemisty or other related disciplines

Key duties and Responsibilities

The Cheng group at the Arieh Warshel Institute for Computational Biology is looking to recruit several postdoctoral fellows interested in pursuing one or more of the following topics:
(1) Multi-scale modeling of enzymes: The studies will involve application of computational methods (molecular docking, molecular dynamics, hybrid quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics method…) to investigate enzyme systems, including metalloenzymes, disease-related enzymatic reactions, metabolic reactions and biosynthesis reactions. Experimental methods will also be used to assist the studies.
(2) Mechanistic investigation of organic reactions: The studies will involve application of combined computational methods (quantum mechanics methods) and experimental methods (Mass spectrometry, EPR and electrochemical methods) to investigate the transition metal-catalyzed reactions and electrochemical reactions, aiming to identify the reaction mechanisms and to design new catalysts and reactions.
    The Arieh Warshel Institute provides a stimulating, friendly and interdisciplinary working environment with frontier research projects, abundant resources and prestigious salaries. The candidate will receive all-round training for career development, including opportunities to work closely with all investigators of the Warshel Institute and the other two Nobel institutes in CUHK-SZ (Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery & Ciechanover Institute of Precision and Regenerative Medicine).

Qualifications and Requirements

• PhD in computational chemistry, computer biology, or related deciplines is required.
• The candidates should have experience in one or more of the following areas:
     (a) Docking (non-covalent and covalent docking), MD simulations
     (b) QM/MM, QM/MM MD, free energy calculations of enzymatic reactions
     (c) QM calculations to investigate mechanism of organic reactions
     (d) Mass spectrometry, EPR or electrochemical analysis
• Experience with ChemShell or MOLARIS-XG will be a plus
• Language requirement: A fluent level of English is mandatory
• Able to work independently, as well as to work with a team (e.g. collaboration with experimental labs)

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Cheng:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Li Zongyi Project of LHS(Ref.PR2020/074/01)

Project Description

Bioinformaticss, Computer Science, Biostatistics

Key duties and Responsibilities

The candidate will have the opportunity to join the Arieh Warshel Institute for contributing directly to multiple research projects, from experimental design to data analysis and interpretation. This position also offers additional possibilities for participating in the international collaborative research projects. Additionally, the candidate will interact with a strong, interdisciplinary bioinformatics and deep sequencing team that provides access to a large-scale sequencing facility as well as a high-performance data center. Finally, it is expected that the candidate will pursue scientific excellence through perspective, passion, presentation, abilities and outstanding publications.

Qualifications and Requirements

• The candidate should have a PhD in bioinformatics, computer science or life science, or equivalent experience in a related field.
• Experience with the design and implementation of bioinformatics analytical pipelines for the interpretation of large-scale genome/proteome data on Linux/Unix system and working in a command line environment.
• Additional skills in establishing professional databases (e.g. MySQL) for multi-Omics datasets and developing user interface or web tools (e.g. PHP or JSP) for users to efficiently access the analyzed data.
• Extensive experience in two or more programming languages (C/C++, Perl, Python, Java, etc.).
• Language requirement: A fluent level of English is mandatory.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Lee:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Du Yang Project of LHS (Ref.PR2020/073/01)

Project Description

Structural biology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry

Key duties and Responsibilities

Structure, function and drug development of G protein coupled receptor

Qualifications and Requirements

Doctor‘s degree in biology or chemistry

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Du:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Ren Ruobing Project of LHS (Ref.PR2020/071/01)

Project Description (of 2)

1. Structural biology,molecular biology, computational biology, or biochemistry

2. Organic Chemistry

Key duties and Responsibilities

Lead research projects

Qualifications and Requirements

PhD within 2 years; strong academic backgroud with first author publications in related desciplines; strong motivation and curiosity in science 

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Ren:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhu Baoting Project of LHS (Ref.PR2020/070/01)

Project Description

Pharmacology;Cancer Research;Neuroscience

Key duties and Responsibilities

1. Independently completed research projects in related fields and published high-level academic papers;
2. Assist and guide juniors;
3. Assisted in the declaration of fund projects.

Qualifications and Requirements

Doctor degree in In pharmacology, Cancer research, neuroscience or other related fields.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Huang Weixian:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Ye Richard Dequan Project of LHS (Ref.PR2020/069/01)

Project Description


Key duties and Responsibilities

To conduct independent research under the guidance of the PI

Qualifications and Requirements

PhD in life sciences; 0-2 years of research experience, first author publications in SCI journals.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Ye:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Giovanni Antonio Travaglino Project of HSS (Ref.PR2020/068/01)

Project Description

Social and/or Cultural Psychology

Key duties and Responsibilities

We are seeking to appoint one or more research associates to work on the different projects currently running in the lab. These include the social and cultural psychology of secret-sharing in groups, the social-psychological basis of technological addictions and research on intergroup relations and group dynamics. The applicant will also be provided with time and opportunity to develop his or her own personal research area.
The applicant will
1) Co-design studies using a variety of different quantitative methodologies (correlational, experimental, longitudinal);2) Assist with analyzing data, using SPSS, R or other statistical software;3) Co-author manuscripts in high impact journals, and presentations to communicate findings to academic and other audiences;4) Assist with developing new and innovative research projects in the area of expertise of CP&G;5) Assist with translating or back-translating research materials;6) Assist with recruiting participants from different sources;7) Undertake other assignments given by the advisor.

Qualifications and Requirements

1) The applicant must have a master or doctoral degree in social psychology, or closely related fields; exceptional candidates will be considered if they have a Bachelor degree in psychology and additional research experience;
2) Fluency in English and excellent writing skills;
3) Research experience and proven research skills; particularly desirable is experience in conducting research online using tools such as Qualtrics;
4) Familiarity with research literature on social identity and in the other topics of  interest in the CP&G lab;
5) Ability to work as a member of an international research team, including senior colleagues and peers

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Travaglino:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Wei Bobo Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/066/01)

Project Description

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Key duties and Responsibilities

Research duties assigned by the advisor

Qualifications and Requirements

The applicants should  have relevant experience and strong interest in condensed matter physics, statistical physics, and numerical simulations and preferably have background in strongly correlated systems.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Wei:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Huang Jianwei Project of SSE (Ref. PR2020/065/01)

Project Description

Wireless network resource allocation, network economics, big data economics, Crowd Intelligence, Network Games, Mobile Crowdsensing, Smart Grid, Distributed AI

Key duties and Responsibilities:

1. To engaged in international leading pioneering research;

2. To execute joint guidance of doctoral students;

3. To cooperation with domestic and foreign first-class scholars, published international top conference journal papers.

Qualifications and Requirements:

1. Strong interest in interdisciplinary research;

2. Communication/network/computer/operations research/economics/mathematics, recently graduated from a famous university at home and abroad with a doctorate;

3. Published several papers on international first-class conference journals as the first author;

4. Excellent oral and written English;

5. Excellent teamwork spirit.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Huang:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Li Yutian Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/064/01)

Project Description

Mathematics/ PDE, Analysis, Scientific Computing

Key duties and Responsibilities

Mathematics Research

Qualifications and Requirements

A  Ph.D degree in Mathematics, a record of strong research combined with outstanding research potential

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Li:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Chen Tianshi Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/063/01)

Project Description

Direction on Data-driven Modeling, Statistics, Optimization, Applied Mathematics, Automatic Control, Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Indoor Positioning and Navigation.

Key duties and Responsibilities

1. Independently carry out academic research under the guidance of lab manager
2. assist thelab manager to apply for projects, manage the lab, and assist in the guidance of the postgraduate and doctoral students.

Qualifications and Requirements

1a. Have or is about to have a doctoral degree, generally under the age of 35, in data-driven modeling, statistics, optimization, applied mathematics, automatic control, signal processing, machine learning, indoor positioning and navigation, etc.
1b. Hard working, earnest, initiative, excellent academic and academic performance, excellent independent analysis and problem solving ability, pioneering and adventurous spirit.
1c. Proficient in English.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Chen:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhou Yan Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/060/01)

Project Description

Physics, Materials Science

Key duties and Responsibilities

Experiments on spintronics, magnetic film growth and magnetic device preparation

Qualifications and Requirements

2 to 3 first author papers published, with experimental experience in physics or magnetism.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhou:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhang Zhaoyu Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/043/01)

Project Description 

1. Simulation direction, such as Electromagnectic Wave(Optical Microwave,etc), Semiconductor Electonics, etc.Experience in  COMSOL, FDTD solution or synopsis Rsoft, etc is preferred;

2. Direction on high speed (transient) optical (and electrical) measurements for semiconductor devices. Experience in pump-probe, stripe camera, etc is a plus;

3. Direction of semiconductor laser fabrication and measurement (especially wavelength modulation and photon integration):
    1) experience in semiconductor laser photoelectric design, fabrication and photoelectric measurement.
    2) epitaxial growth of MBE or MOCVD of GaAs/InP compounds.

4. Femtosecond laser 3d machining or photonic wire bonding technology orientation;

5. Design simulation, fabrication process and measurement direction of silicon optical integration.

Key duties and Responsibilities

1. Independently completed research projects in related fields and published high-level academic papers;
2. Assist and guide juniors;
3. Assisted in the declaration of fun.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. Relevant research experience in polymer synthesis and MOF material synthesis and application;
2. Able to carry out scientific research work relatively independently; Diligent, earnest and responsible;
3. Good communication and writing skills.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhang:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhang Gongqiu Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/054/01)

Project Description    

PhD in Financial Engineering related fields (Math, Applied Math, Computational Math, Probability, Statistics, Physics, Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Systems Engineering, Automation and Control, and Computer Science)

Key Duties and Responsibilities 

Conduct high quality research in financial engineering with the professor.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. Strong mathematical and programming skills;

2. Strong research record;

3. Hard working and good personality;

4. Candidates with background in machine learning or finance are preferred.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhang:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhu He Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/053/01)

Project Description    

Polymer; Porous Material; Energy Material; Environment

Key Duties and Responsibilities 

1. Independently completed research projects in related fields and published high-level academic papers;
2. Assist and guide juniors;
3. Assisted in the declaration of fund projects.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. Relevant research experience in polymer synthesis and MOF material synthesis and application;
2. Able to carry out scientific research work relatively independently; Diligent, earnest and responsible;
3. Good communication and writing skills.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhang: & Prof. Zhu:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhang Qi Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/052/01)

Project Description    

Polymer; Porous Material; Energy Material; Environment

Key Duties and Responsibilities 

1. Independently completed research projects in related fields and published high-level academic papers;
2. Assist and guide juniors;
3. Assisted in the declaration of fund projects.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. Relevant research experience in polymer synthesis and MOF material synthesis and application;
2. Able to carry out scientific research work relatively independently; Diligent, earnest and responsible;
3. Good communication and writing skills.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhang: or Prof. Zhu:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Mao Jianfeng Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/049/01)

Project Description    

Operations Research, Systems Engineering, Automatic Control, Computer Science and Engineering, Intelligent Transportation

Key Duties and Responsibilities 

Research and Development

Qualifications and Requirements

At least one SCI Journal Publication. Strong Programming skills in matlab or C++.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Mao:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Li Zhaoyuan Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/048/01)

Project Description          


Key Duties and Responsibilities 

The successful applicant will work with Professor Zhaoyuan Li on projects of advanced statistical theories (high-dimensional statistics), interdisplinary research and FinTech.

1. Independently completed research projects in related fields and published high-level academic papers;

2. Assist and guide juniors;

3. Assisted in the declaration of fund projects.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. Candidates must have a Ph.D in statistics/computer science or related fields.

2. Applicants should have strong quantitative analysis and significant experience with computer programming and simulations (for example, R, Python or Matlab)

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhao:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Hu Sang Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/047/01)

Project Description      

Financial engineering,  financial mathematics

Key Duties and Responsibilities 

Do research in topics including behavioral finance, risk management, FinTech, insurance and reinsurance, etc.

Qualifications and Requirements

Interested in research areas related to financial engineering and financial mathematics

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Hu:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Hark Sui Kong Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/046/01)

Project Description    


Key Duties and Responsibilities 

Research on plasmonics and metamaterials

Qualifications and Requirements

Thin film preparation experiences, optical measurements, electromagnetic theory and solid state theory

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Hark:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery (Ref.PR2020/040/01)

Laboratory Introduction

Postdoctoral positions are open in the laboratory of Prof. Richard Ye at the Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery (KIIDD). The lab is interested in GPCR pharmacology and other signaling molecules with a focus on the immune cells. The lab has published approximately 200 research articles in SCI journals. For a list of these papers, please refer to with search que Ye RD, and under the name Richard Ye.

Project Description

1. Structural studies of protein complex assembly, including receptor-signaling molecule complex and enzyme-substrate complex.

2. New drug discovery based on structural information and signaling mechanisms.  

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Conducting academic research under the instruction of the principal investigator;

2. Analyzing data, write and publish research articles;

3. Conducting translational research; 

4. Asisting the PI in student training and project management;

5. Undertaking other assignments related to academic research.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. A recent PhD degree, knowledge in pharmacology, immunology, cell biology or a related discipline;

2. With strong track record as evidenced by first-author publications and excellent communication skills in both Chinese and English;

3. Experience in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology and animal (rodent) experiments, as well as functional analysis using biochemical and biophysical techniques, are preferred.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Ye:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery (Ref.PR2020/027/01)

Laboratory Introduction

The Stjepanovic lab research interests Is to understand the structural and mechanistic basis of autophagosomal and autolysosomal membrane formation and dynamics using a combination of state-of-the-art structural and biochemical/biophysical techniques. The available subprojects are highly interdisciplinary and range from proteomics approaches to the study of macromolecular complexes using cryo-electron microscopy.

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Conducting academic research under the instruction of the primary investigator;

2. Performing other research-related duties as assigned;

3. Need to participate in the host organization's activities, including student-faculty seminars, workshops, and public lectures;

4. Working during non-office hours and some business traveling may be needed;

5. Undertaking other assignments assigned by the supervisor.

Qualifications and Requirements:

1. PhD degree and expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology or a related discipline;

2. Hands-on experience in protein expression and purification, as well as functional analysis using biochemical and biophysical techniques, are prerequisites;

3. Experience in membrane protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy, mass spectrometry, and/or cryo-EM is an advantage;

4. Good writing skills and fluency in English are required.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Wu Liang Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/014/01

Project Description

Integrated Circuit Design

Key duties and Responsibilities

1. Independently completed research projects in related fields and published high-level academic papers
2. Assist and guide uniors
3. Assist in or personallly apply for the declaration of scientific research projects

Qualifications and Requirements

1. Doctor's degree in electronic engineering, experience in rf or MMW IC chip design and testing
2. Able to carry out scientific research work relatively independently; Diligent, earnest and responsible;
3. Good communication and writing skills

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Wu:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - FNii (Ref.PR2020/017/01)

Project Description

Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Intelligent Systems, Information Networks, Brain-like Systems

Key duties and Responsibilities

Research & Development

Qualifications and Requirements

Doctor's degree in the relevant field or have completed the doctoral requirements; Good command of written and spoken English.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Cassie:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Simon Pun Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/013/01)

Project Description    

Electronic Information, Communication, Computer Science, Mathematics

Key Duties and Responsibilities 

Great ability on Independent research, writing papers, etc

Qualifications and Requirements

Candidates should have relevant research background and published papers.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Pun:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery (Ref.PR2020/003/01)

Post Specification

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Conducting academic research under the instruction of the primary investigator;

2. Performing other research-related duties as assigned;

3. Need to participate in the host organization's activities, including student-faculty seminars, workshops, and public lectures;

4. Working during non-office hours and some business traveling may be needed;

5. Undertaking other assignment assigned by the supervisor.

Qualifications and Requirements:

1. PhD degree in molecular biology, protein chemistry, structural biology or a related discipline, with strong track record as evidenced by first author publications;

2. Experience in native or recombinant membrane protein expression, purification, either structural determination or functional analysis using biochemical and biophysical techniques are prerequisites;

3. Experience in protein X-ray crystallography and/or cryo-EM is an advantage.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.

RA/Post Doc Fellow - Zhu Shiping Project of SSE (Ref.PR2020/011/01)

Project Description    

Polymer; Porous Material; Energy Material; Environment

Key Duties and Responsibilities 

1. Independently completed research projects in related fields and published high-level academic papers;
2. Assist and guide juniors;
3. Assisted in the declaration of fund projects.

Qualifications and Requirements

1. Relevant research experience in polymer synthesis and MOF material synthesis and application;
2. Able to carry out scientific research work relatively independently; Diligent, earnest and responsible;
3. Good communication and writing skills.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Please send a full curriculum vitae, cover letter,the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) and a complete list of publications together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Zhang: & Prof. Zhu:

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.