- — Application Procedure
- —Job Vacancies
Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form ( download ) together with copies of qualification documents, a publication list and/or selected abstracts, recent teaching-related information such as teaching evaluations. At least three reference letters should be sent by individual referees directly to email address indicated in each job posting with the email subject as “Reference – Job title – Full name of applicant”.
The successful applicant will be employed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen on behalf of the project holder.
1. 全日制本科及以上学历;会计,文秘,行政管理或人力资源等专业优先,有海外经历优先;
2. 英语要求四级以上或具同等语言能力,熟练使用office、邮件管理等办公软件;
3. 工作细致,执行能力强,文字撰写能力较强,具备良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神。
请准备好完整的中、英文简历,职位申请表(可在www.cuhk.edu.cn下载)以及两名推荐人的联系信息,发送至郑教授邮箱: zhengqingbin@cuhk.edu.cn
1. 负责组织科技项目的策划、申报资料撰写,及时报送、跟踪、反馈科技项目申报工作并确保项目顺利申报;
2. 负责全面管理和及时跟新国家、省、市、区级各科技相关部门所发布的科技政策,在研究院内加以传达和解释;
3. 负责结合政府科技政策和研究院实际情况,制定合理的项目管理制度;
4. 协助团队完成已有科技项目的中期检查、结题验收等工作;
5. 上级交办的各项工作。
1. 电子信息、计算机相关专业技术背景,大学本科学历或以上;
2. 具备科技项目申请、科技项目管理经验优先考虑;
3. 工作认真负责,积极主动,执行力强,能独立完成工作;
4. 良好的沟通能力,具备团队合作意识;
5. 有一定的抗压能力,能同时处理多项工作。
Laboratory Introduction
Food Safety and Nutritional Science Laboratory emphasizes on research topics including food safety risk communication, food safety standard, big data in food safety, nutrition, etc. We are carrying out research projects, e.g. Key R&D Project of Food Safety Technology in 2018 National Key R&D Program of China, etc. Dr. Shanquan Chen, the Lab Director, is currently a Lecturer of School of Humanities and Social Science.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Project related research and application;
2. Project coordination and other affairs;
3. Undertaking other duties assigned by the supervisor;
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. Degree in Food Safety/ Nutrition/ Food Science or related disciplines (Master Degree is preferred);
2. Working experience in food industry is preferred (production, catering or retailers);
3. Good English reading and writing skills;
4. Strong responsibility, team spirit and communication skills.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be comparable to international standards, commensurate with experience and accomplishments. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-Shenzhen, and employee benefits will be provided according to the relevant labor laws of Mainland China as well as CUHK-Shenzhen regulations.
Application Procedure
Please prepare full CV in English, and two referees’ contact information, and send to chenshanquan@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
任若冰,PI,博士生导师。曾师从世界著名结构生物学家施一公教授和颜宁教授,获得清华大学结构生物学与生物化学博士学位。其一直从事与重大疾病相关的膜蛋白结构生物学研究,尤其专注于利用X射线晶体学,低温冷冻电子显微镜技术并结合其他生物物理和生物化学方法,研究胆固醇和中性脂代谢调控的分子机制。曾任职于顶级跨国生物技术公司安进(Amgen)亚洲研发中心担任结构生物学副研究员, 2018年入职香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院及科比尔卡创新药物研究院担任助理教授/独立PI,并于2019年初加入生命与健康科学学院。曾以第一作者身份在Science,Journal of Biological Chemistry等国际一流期刊发表学术文章。详见http://lhs.cuhk.edu.cn/zh-hans/node/9462 及 https://sites.google.com/site/cuhkrenlab/
1. 主要负责课题组仪器、耗材采购、招标及管理;
2. 课题组仪器的日常保养和报修,设备后勤(水电暖通等)维护;
3. 实验团队及学生的设备使用培训;
4. 其他上级指派的任务。
1. 生物、化学或工程等相关领域的硕士以上学位;
2. 有设备采购,资产管理/培训等相关工作经验,需3年以上相关经验。
任若冰,PI,博士生导师。曾师从世界著名结构生物学家施一公教授和颜宁教授,获得清华大学结构生物学与生物化学博士学位。其一直从事与重大疾病相关的膜蛋白结构生物学研究,尤其专注于利用X射线晶体学,低温冷冻电子显微镜技术并结合其他生物物理和生物化学方法,研究胆固醇和中性脂代谢调控的分子机制。曾任职于顶级跨国生物技术公司安进(Amgen)亚洲研发中心担任结构生物学副研究员, 2018年入职香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院及科比尔卡创新药物研究院担任助理教授/独立PI,并于2019年初加入生命与健康科学学院。曾以第一作者身份在Science,Journal of Biological Chemistry等国际一流期刊发表学术文章。详见http://lhs.cuhk.edu.cn/zh-hans/node/9462 及 https://sites.google.com/site/cuhkrenlab/
1. 负责实验室常规生物、化学试剂配制、灭菌及化学品管理工作;
2. 负责实验室实验相关实验耗材准备,参与实验基本操作并记录必要数据;
3. 协助科研人员完成基础分子生物学和生化实验;
4. 遵守实验室规章制度,配合安全检查,负责设备报修工作。
1. 本科或硕士学历,生物相关专业;
2. 熟悉实验室工作流程,有实验室工作经验优先,工资依学历及工作经验面议。
Laboratory Introduction
Warshel Institute for Computational Biology (the “Institute”) is the first Nobel Laureate Lab established in CUHKSZ. The Nobel Laureate Lab is one of the important parts for Shenzhen "Top Ten Action Plan". Arieh Warshel, the Nobel laureate in Chemistry in 2013, is the dean and academic leader for the Institute.
Warshel Institute for Computational Biology intended to become one of the world’s most advanced computational biology centers, conducting research on cutting-edge biotechnologies (structural biology, molecular medicine, multi-scale biomolecule simulations, high-throughput Genome Sequencing analysis and translational research of gene diagnosis technology). Professor Warshel wishes to turn this institute into a platform where top researchers from around the world can collaborate and contribute. Meanwhile, the institute is to serve as a hub to boost significant global cooperative projects and to become a multidisciplinary educational center, nurturing young computational biologists.
The Institute will help to attract excellent researchers and open up new opportunities for Longgang and Shenzhen with respect to life science industry.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Conducting academic research under the instruction of the primary investigator;
2. Performing other research-related duties as assigned;
3. Assist in the post-doctoral, doctoral and undergraduate (URA) research work within the group;
4. Undertake other assignments assigned by the supervisor.
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in biomedical sciences including knowledge in one or more of the following disciplines: Biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, pharmacology, and immunology;
2. Hands-on experience in cellular experiments;
3. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English are preferred.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae, the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online), a biographic sketch and two reference letters together with names of three referees by email to warshel@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
朱宝亭教授于1980-1988年就读复旦大学上海医学院,获医学学士学位和药理学硕士学位。1992年获美国德州大学药理学博士。1994-1998年,在世界著名癌症药理学家、美国国家科学院院士A. H. Conney教授指导下工作,先为博士后研究员,后为助理研究教授。1998年受聘美国南卡罗来纳大学任助理教授。在以后的六年时间里,被多次破格晋升,为药理学终身副教授(2002年),药理学终身教授(2004年),和药理学冠名杰出教授(2005)。一年后,又被任命为南卡罗来纳州药学院系主任。2007年应邀加盟堪萨斯大学医学院任肿瘤研究终身冠名杰出教授, 同时任药理学终身教授及堪萨斯大学癌症中心肿瘤生物学研究组领军人。朱宝亭教授 是一位优秀的细胞和分子药理学专家,现任香港中文大学(深圳)协理副校长(拓展事务)、生命与健康科学学院副院长、校长讲座教授。
1. 开展朱宝亭教授分配的实验任务;
2. 帮助处理实验室其他事务。
1. 生命科学或生物医学等相关专业背景;
2. 本科学位 (优先考虑硕士学位) ;
3. 有良好的英语能力 (托福成绩高于90分,或雅思成绩高于6.5分)。
2、纳米光子学、纳米波导、集成光调制器等方向:有COMSOL multiphysics, FDTD solution或Synopsis Rsoft等仿真经验者优先;
5、硅光子芯片设计、仿真、制程及测量方向:熟悉Klayout, L-Edit, Synopsis OptoDesigner等版图工具者优先;有纳米波导及集成光子器件测试经验者优先;
Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery is one of the first batch of Nobel laureate labs at the University. KIIDD will focus on new drug development which includes drugs receptor structural biology research, computational chemistry research, the function of the drug molecules in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry research, receptor function the function of the drug molecule pharmacology, etc. Researchers in KIIDD are going to carry out studies about the structural biology of drug receptors through lots of modern biological techniques, such as single crystal x-ray diffraction, Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron microscopy. CAD and molecular simulations were used in the drug designs. KIIDD lay eyes on functional drug synthesis, medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, to further explore the pathways to make new drugs, as well as offering intellectual support on pharmacology for future clinical research.
The Kobilka Cryo-EM center is a fee-for-service facility operated by the KIIDD at Chinese University of Hongkong(Shenzhen) as a state-of-the-art shared resource for biomedical researchers. The Cryo-EM staff members develop and provide their knowledge and expertise to the research community at KIIDD in applying cryo-EM imaging to their research. They work closely with investigators to define optimal experimental design including strategies for preparation of samples, maintain and operate cryo-electron microscopes and ancillary equipment in order to provide high resolution images, and provide guidance and service in data management and analysis.
The successful candidate will assist facility staff with maintenance and operation of the advanced instrumentation housed in the Cryo-EM core and will work with and train users in specimen preparation. The candidate will also be responsible for record keeping associated with users, instrument logs, and routine operation of the facility. The candidate will be expected to learn new procedures as they are developed and implemented by the facility.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Help maintain and operate cryo electron microscopes and related equipment;
2. Regularly benchmark and optimize microscope performance for data collection;
3. Participate in method developments/optimization for cryo-EM;
4. Interact closely with/train users with different levels of experience;
5. Maintain record of daily operations in the facility.
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. M.S in structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry, material science or related field, Ph.D would be a plus;
2. 2-3 years of experience in cryo-EM including handling samples, using microscopes and evaluation of images;
3. Knowledge of the principles of transmission electron microscopy and 3D structure determination;
4. General understanding of cryo-EM workflow;
5. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
6. Motivated to learn new technologies and to take on new challenges;
7. Willing to develop/test new methods/techniques;
8. Excellent organizational skills and record keeping;
9. Special consideration will be given to candidates with a record of achievement in collaborative, team-driven environments.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) by email to liuzheng@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery is one of the first batch of Nobel laureate labs at the University. KIIDD will focus on new drug development which includes drugs receptor structural biology research, computational chemistry research, the function of the drug molecules in organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry research, receptor function the function of the drug molecule pharmacology, etc. Researchers in KIIDD are going to carry out studies about the structural biology of drug receptors through lots of modern biological techniques, such as single crystal x-ray diffraction, Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron microscopy. CAD and molecular simulations were used in the drug designs. KIIDD lay eyes on functional drug synthesis, medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, to further explore the pathways to make new drugs, as well as offering intellectual support on pharmacology for future clinical research.
The Kobilka Cryo-EM center is a fee-for-service facility operated by the KIIDD at Chinese University of Hongkong(Shenzhen) as a state-of-the-art shared resource for biomedical researchers. The Cryo-EM staff members develop and provide their knowledge and expertise to the research community at KIIDD in applying cryo-EM imaging to their research. They work closely with investigators to define optimal experimental design including strategies for preparation of samples, maintain and operate cryo-electron microscopes and ancillary equipment in order to provide high resolution images, and provide guidance and service in data management and analysis.
The successful candidate will assist facility staff with maintenance and operation of the advanced instrumentation housed in the Cryo-EM core and will work with and train users in specimen preparation. The candidate will also be responsible for record keeping associated with users, instrument logs, and routine operation of the facility. The candidate will be expected to learn new procedures as they are developed and implemented by the facility.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Mainly responsible for the purchasing of equipments, handling the bidding documents, fee reimbursement, conference logistics arrangement and fixed assets management;
2. To be responsible for record keeping, instrument logs, and routine operation of the facility;
3. Orders and manages the shared consumables;
4. Developing/delivering training programs and lab safety training for the research team and students;
5. Undertaking other assignment assigned by the supervisor.
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. A Bachelor degree, preferably a higher degree in biology, health science, medical science, or related field;
2. At least 1-year post-qualification administrative or relevant experience;
3. Excellent interpersonal, communication and organizational skills; the ability to work independently, show initiative and take full responsibility for completion of tasks.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) by email to liuzheng@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
1. 负责实验室日常运营管理、负责实验管理制度的制定与执行落地;
2. 负责实验室设备日常点检、维修、保养、校准及培训;
3. 负责实验室建设;
4. 负责实验室主页和电子资料的维护;
5. 协助负责人进行科研基金申请;
6. 导师安排的其他事务。
1. 大学本科及以上学历,具有材料、高分子、化学、化工、环境等相关专业背景者优先;
2. 有2年以上实验室维护管理经验,学习能力、动手能力强;
3. 良好的中英文沟通能力;
3. 熟悉各种办公软件;
4. 良好的执行力。
1. 负责实验室(万级超净间)日常运营管理、负责实验管理制度的制定与执行落地;
2. 负责实验室设备日常点检、维修、保养、校准及培训;
3. 负责实验室建设,包括实验室设备、耗材的采购;
4. 负责对外联系及设备耗材供应商列表整理;
5. 负责实验室主页和电子资料的维护;
6. 协助负责人进行科研基金申请;
7. 导师安排的其他事务。
1. 本科及以上学历;
2. 有相关2年以上的超净间及上述设备的维护管理经验(或有很强的学习能力);
3. 理工专业,物理或光电专业优先。
请准备好完整的中、英文简历和/或职位申请表(可在www.cuhk.edu.cn下载),并附上三位推荐人的姓名,发送至邮箱: yuanjing@cuhk.edu.cn
1. 负责设备的日常维护、点检、厂家沟通;
2. 负责半导体器件工艺的开发和配方的固定(包含GaAs、InP、GaN等III-V族和II-VI族);
3. 负责设备对外开放服务;
4. 定期汇报设备状态及工艺开发状态;
5. 其他课题组负责人交待任务。
1. 硕士博士学历优先;
2. 有相关2年以上的超净间及上述设备的工艺开发经验;
3. 理工专业,物理或光电专业优先。
任若冰,PI,博士生导师。曾师从世界著名结构生物学家施一公教授和颜宁教授,获得清华大学结构生物学与生物化学博士学位。其一直从事与重大疾病相关的膜蛋白结构生物学研究,尤其专注于利用X射线晶体学,低温冷冻电子显微镜技术并结合其他生物物理和生物化学方法,研究胆固醇和中性脂代谢调控的分子机制。曾任职于顶级跨国生物技术公司安进(Amgen)亚洲研发中心担任结构生物学副研究员, 2018年入职香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院及科比尔卡创新药物研究院担任助理教授/独立PI,并于2019年初加入生命与健康科学学院。曾以第一作者身份在Science,Journal of Biological Chemistry等国际一流期刊发表学术文章。详见http://lhs.cuhk.edu.cn/zh-hans/node/9462 及 https://sites.google.com/site/cuhkrenlab/
1. 在课题组负责人的指导下进行学术研究;
2. 履行指定的其他与研究相关的职责;
3. 协助课题组内博士后、博士研究生和本科生科研工作;
4. 承担上级指派的其他任务。
1. 具有生命科学或生物医学相关学科的大学本科及以上学历,成绩优良;
2. 熟悉生物化学,分子生物学和细胞生物学常用技术;
3. 良好的中英双语沟通、写作能力;
5. 有项目申报经验者将优先考虑;
6. 工作优秀者积极推荐申请本研究组或国内外一流大学研究生院博士研究生培养项目。
请准备好完整的中、英文简历及研究计划,文章PDF以及两名推荐人的联系信息,发送至林天麟教授邮箱:renruobing@cuhk.edu.cn 请在邮件主题注明“应聘科研助理+您的姓名”。
1. 机器人:服务机器人、移动机器人、模块化机器人、特种机器人等;
2. 人工智能:情绪与行为感知、环境与情境分析、基于学习的人机交互界面等;
3. 机器视觉:视觉伺服、SLAM、基于视觉的场景建模、多相机多目标跟踪等;
1. 相对独立地完成相关方向的课题研究,发表高水平学术论文;
2. 协助指导低年级研究生的训练与培养;
3. 协助申报各类基金项目
1. 计算机、自动化、机械、电子等相关专业学历;
2. 工作积极主动,具备很强的责任心、团队合作精神、良好的语言表达及沟通交流能力;
3. 具有相关科研项目工作经验者优先。
研究助理 (先进聚合材料产品工程方向)
1. 协助开展企业课题研究;
2. 处理和分析实验数据;
3. 协助完成其它课题组任务。
1. 大学本科及以上学历(具有材料、高分子、化学、化工、能源、环境等相关专业相应学历优先),善于分析问题,动手能力强;
2. 良好的中英文沟通能力;
3. 熟悉各种办公软件;
4. 良好的执行力;
5. 一定的企业项目参与经验者优先。
Laboratory Description
This CIRL Lab is supported by President's Fund at the CUHK-SZ. The lab is devoted to the research and applications of public or private clouds that interact with mobile and sensing devices or IoT systems over the Internet edge networks. We emphasize both high-performance computing and AI-oriented applications over big datasets. The Lab is shared by Professors Kai Hwang, David Zhang, Yeching Chong, Rui Huang, and Wei Cai and their research students.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities
The Software Engineer reports to Prof. Hwang directly.
1. The daily software development and maintenance of the cloud platform;
3. Provide technical support for research projects and application development.
Qualifications and Requirements
1. A Bachelor Degree or higher in Computer Science/Electrical/Information Engineering from established universities;
2. To have concrete experience in software development on cloud platform, and experience in virtualization on cloud platform, large or small in scale, the skills include the use of Hadoop and TensorFlow, and experience of program testing with python or java. Experience with Linux or Unix operating system is desired;
3. Candidate must master in both English and Chinese in technical reporting and proposal writing etc;
4. Familiarity with Office softwares is a necessity.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae in both English/Chinese, the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online), a biographic sketch and two reference letters together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Hwang: hwangkai@cuhk.edu.cn
Applicant with a Ph.D. degree could be considered for upgrading to a higher position such as a Postdoctoral Researcher or a Research Assistant Professor position.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
1. 在导师或者博士后的指导下开展科研工作;
2. 协助指导组内博士后、博士研究生与本科生(URA)科研工作。
1. 光学,光电子,物理,微电子相关专业本科或硕士学位;
2. 有科研经历,各种学科竞赛获奖的同学优先考虑;
3. 良好的沟通能力和英文交流读写水平;
4. 勤奋、认真、负责的工作态度,团队合作精神。
Laboratory Introduction
A Research Assistant (RA) position is open in Professor Richard Ye’s laboratory at the Kobilka Institute of Innovative Drug Discovery (KIIDD). The lab is interested in GPCR pharmacology with a focus on the structures and functions of G protein-coupled chemoattractant receptors, with approximately 200 published research articles in SCI journals. For a list of these papers, please refer to Pubmed.gov with search que: Ye RD, and Scholar.google.com under the name Richard Ye.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities
1. Conducting academic research under the direction of the principal investigator;
2. Assisting in the post-doctoral, doctoral and undergraduate research work within the group;
3. Performing other lab duties as assigned, including administrative and organizational work.
Qualifications and Requirements
1. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in biomedical sciences including knowledge in one or more of the following disciplines: Biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, pharmacology, and immunology.
2. Experience in project management;
3. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English are preferred.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae, the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online), a biographic sketch and two reference letters together with names of three referees by email to Prof. Ye: richardye@cuhk.edu.cn
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
Laboratory Introduction
CIRL Lab (云计算与物联网实验室) is newly founded at the CUHK-SZ campus and directed by Prof. Kai Hwang, who is a Presidential Chair Professor at the School of Science and Engineering. CIRL is supported by President’s Fund at the CUHK-SZ and is devoted to the research and applications of public or private clouds that interact with mobile and sensing devices or IoT systems over the Internet edge networks. We emphasize both high-performance computing and AI-oriented applications over big datasets. The Lab is shared by Professors Kai Hwang, David Zhang, Yeching Chong, Rui Huang, and Wei Cai and their research students.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Management of the CIRL matters on a daily basis including hardware and software maintenance, programmer or engineer hiring, and user and staff trainings;
2. Purchase of computer and laboratory equipment and supplies;
3. Professional communicating with IT office support and SSE management teams;
4. Provide technical support for research projects and application development.
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. The applicant should have at least a Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree in Computer Science or in Electrical or Information Engineering from established universities;
2. The applicant is desired to have concrete experiences in extensive use and purchase of computer systems, large or small in scale. These skills include hardware organization, software installation, and testing and programming with system/application software packages. Experience with Linux and related operating systems is desired;
3. Candidate must master in English and Chinese in technical reporting, equipment purchases, and proposal writing, etc. Familiarity with the Office software is a necessity;
4. Applicant with a Ph.D. degree could be considered for upgrading to a higher position such as a Postdoctoral Researcher position.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae, the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online), a biographic sketch and two reference letters together with names of three referees by email to hwangkai@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
Laboratory Introduction
The Stjepanovic lab https://www.stjepanoviclab.org/ research interests Is to understand the structural and mechanistic basis of autophagosomal and autolysosomal membrane formation and dynamics using a combination of state-of-the-art structural and biochemical/biophysical techniques. The available subprojects are highly interdisciplinary and range from proteomics approaches to the study of macromolecular complexes using cryo-electron microscopy.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Conducting academic research under the instruction of the primary investigator;
2. Performing other research-related duties as assigned;
3. Assist in the post-doctoral, doctoral and undergraduate (URA) research work within the group;
4. Undertake other assignments assigned by the supervisor.
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. Bachelor's degree in molecular biology, biochemistry structural biology or a related discipline.;
2. Hands-on experience in protein expression and purification;
3. Proficiency in English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to goranstjepanovic@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
Job Description
Applicants should have:
1. A PhD degree in related fields;
2. Able to use English as working language and write research papers;
3. Solid background in scientific research and high-quality paper publication record;
4. Experience in transformation and industrialization of research results;
5. Able to communicate and cooperate with colleagues in different fields, and abide by academic ethics;
6. Applicants with excellent experience in the following fields are preferred: Bioinformatics, computational chemistry and biology, molecular simulation, molecular dynamics, drug development, metagenomics and microbiome, intelligent biomedical technologies, biological database design and software development, network biology, data mining in multi-Omics science, shallow and deep learning.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Applicants should prepare a curriculum vitae, representative papers in recent years and the contact information of three referees (Affiliation, position and email).
Resume should contain the following information:
1. Research areas and research interests;
2. Personal information, including age, family status, educational background, work experience, awards and other related information;
3. Published papers. Please indicate whether the applicant is the first author or corresponding author. Information about the impact factor of the related journals and the citations of the papers(Web of Science) also needs to be provided. If the paper is selected by Essential Science Indicators (ESI) as highly cited Papers or hot papers, please indicate.
Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to warshel@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Providing administrative assistance to the Acting-Director (Warshel Institute for Computational Biology);
2. Providing administrative service and coordination among departments/units;
3. Assisting in organizing and coordinating Institute activities and different types of meetings;
4. Multi-Project Budget Management: Assist the PI in making budget plans for the team's multiple projects, and help execute them with efficiency. Be responsible for keeping all the documents, records and receipts for the annual reporting processes. Assist the PI in dealing with various financial statements, and report to the PI regarding the finance situation of the lab regularly, and be familiar with related finance process and regulations.
5. To work with a highly dedicated admin team to perform any other duties as assigned by the Acting-Director (Warshel Institute for Computational Biology).
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. A Bachelor degree (or equivalent) or higher degree;
2. At least 3 years' post-qualification administrative or relevant experience, preferably in the tertiary education sector;
3. Excellent command of both written and spoken English and Chinese;
5. The ability to work independently, show initiative and take full responsibility for completion of tasks.
Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to warshel@cuhk.edu.cn.
Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.
1. 在导师或者博后的指导下开展科研工作;
2. 协助指导组内本科生(URA)的专业基础技能训练和科研工作。
1. 具有电子工程相关专业本科或硕士学位,扎实的电路分析和设计基础;
2. 具备射频或毫米波集成电路芯片设计和测试等项目经验者优先考虑;
3. 良好的沟通能力和英文交流读写水平;
4. 勤奋、认真、负责的工作态度,团队合作精神。
1. 在导师或者博后的指导下开展科研工作;
2. 协助指导组内博士后、博士研究生与本科生(URA)科研工作。
1. 分子生物学,蛋白质化学,结构生物学相关领域的学士学位;
2. 具有使用生物化学和生物物理技术进行天然或重组膜蛋白表达,纯化,结构测定或功能分析等实验经验的优先考虑;
3. 熟练的英文听说读写能力;
请准备好完整的中、英文简历和/或职位申请表(可在www.cuhk.edu.cn下载),并附上三位推荐人的姓名,发送至邮箱: rbrenlab@cuhk.edu.cn。
大数据与智能系统课题组从事数据科学、人工智能、智能网络和系统方向的综合研究。课题组目前负责广东省“数据驱动的未来智能网络演进”珠江创新团队和深圳市“大数据与人工智能重点实验室”的建设,团队成员包括三名美国、加拿大院士、七名IEEE Fellow、三名国家、两名长江学者,和其他11名年轻学者。课题组负责人崔曙光教授是IEEE Fellow,入选珠江团队带头人、汤姆路透高被引科学家,目前担任香港中文大学 (深圳) 理工学院教授。
行政主管 (项目管理) - 大数据与智能系统课题组 (理工学院崔曙光项目组)
1. 课题组综合事务管理;
2. 科研项目预算制定、日常采购、项目结题管理;
3. 管理课题组行政团队。
1. 大学本科以上毕业 (工程类毕业生优先;有海外学习经历者优先) ;
2. 三年以上工作经验;
3. 一定的科研项目管理经验 (有项目审计经验者优先) ;
4. 良好的中英文沟通能力;
5. 熟悉各种办公软件;
6. 良好的执行力。
请准备好完整的中、英文简历和/或职位申请表(可在www.cuhk.edu.cn下载),并附上三位推荐人的姓名,发送至邮箱: nancylin@sribd.cn,邮件主题:大数据与智能系统课题组行政主管 (项目管理)
行政助理 (项目管理) - 大数据与智能系统课题组 (理工学院崔曙光项目组)
1. 课题组综合事务协调处理;
2. 参与科研项目预算制定、日常采购、项目结题;
3. 协助行政主管完成其它课题组任务。
1. 大学本科以上毕业 (有海外学习经历者优先);
2. 一定的项目参与经验 (有项目预算、采买经验者优先) ;
3. 良好的中英文沟通能力;
4. 熟悉各种办公软件;
5. 良好的执行力。
请准备好完整的中、英文简历和/或职位申请表(可在www.cuhk.edu.cn下载),并附上三位推荐人的姓名,发送至邮箱: nancylin@sribd.cn,邮件主题:邮件主题:大数据与智能系统课题组行政助理 (项目管理)